
Sunday, September 30, 2012

Fat Kid to Triathlete - Week 1 (Mike)

Weight: 206.4

Short Swim:  1/2 mile - 23.26
Long Swim:   3/4 mile - 38.26
                   1.25 mile - 1:01.52
Short Ride:   13.71 miles - 1:00.18 (Mt. Alpha)
Long Ride:   20.50 miles - 1:24.50
                    34.21 miles - 2:25.08
Short Run:     1.81 miles - 18.05
Long Run:     6.28 miles - 1:00.34 (Great Race 10k)
                    8.09 miles - 1:18.39

Since my 400lb bench press days, I've dropped about 24lbs of body weight.  Everything was still a struggle until dropping under 210, but this week was full of new personal best results.  Yes, I am exhausted, but completing this first week is very encouraging.  At this point, I can complete each leg of a tri individually (except maybe the swim), but need to work on piecing it all together.  My swim times need to come down and that will be the greatest challenge....I also can't hardly imaging doing the 10k run I did today after a .9 mile swim and 24 mile bike.  But, time and a chip on my shoulder are all I need.  And staying injury free.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Injury and Healing

Well it's been a long time since running the Parkersburg Half. I have not filled that time with running. Why, you might ask? The diagnose came about three weeks ago from a family physician that I tore some cartilage between the tibia and fibula of my right leg. That's what inadequate training prior to a long run, like a half marathon, gets you. I've spent most of September on the couch or out walking the neighborhood, wishing I was one of a handful of people I see running the sidewalks. I even had to sit out the 2012 Capital City Challenge that I help promote with a great race committee.
But no more! With the Pittsburgh Great Race on the horizon I felt it was time to test the leg. It held up reasonably well to a three miler last night (9/24). This lends hope to completing the 10k come Sunday. Mike has been triathlon training and will incorporate the race into his regiment. Here's hoping the rest of the Harmon clan and company are ready for the weekend. With injuries overcome/averted it should be a blessed weekend of exercise, entertainment, and food.