Monday, August 26, 2013

Wet, Hot Summer

The Stats: 8/18 - 8/24
8/19: 2.71 mi; 19'50"; 7'18" avg. pace
8/20: 3.05 mi; 28'53"; 9'27" avg. pace
8/24: 2.71 mi; 19'34"; 7'12" avg. pace

It has been one very rainy summer. August has blessedly been drier than July and allowed for more outdoor activity. Last week was ideal for lacing up the running shoes and hitting the road. My distances remained conservative; I didn't attempt another 10k although running bridge to bridge last week went fine. On Monday I cut the run shy of three miles. I may have been experiencing minor side stitches and decided it wasn't worth pushing for an extra 0.3 miles. Tuesday saw my defeat to Ashley in our "first to 30 miles" challenge for August. We lapped around KC in 90 degree heat and got considerably dehydrated. I followed that up with a volleyball game to cap off a busy evening. The weather turned sour late in the week and kept me off the roads until Saturday. Knowing there was a full day of pool chilling and partying, I was compelled to burn some early morning calories. Strangely, I pulled up short of 5k again, logging the same distance that I ran on Monday. Both of those runs featured an increased pace that was draining under the August sun. Still, the legs are holding up well as the summer winds down.
The Capital City Challenge is firmly fixed on the calendar's horizon. I got out for a bike ride yesterday in order to train a bit for that portion of the race. Kayaking is unlikely before then, so I'll have to strengthen the upper body with some assortment of push-ups and lifting. Whether that actually happens is yet to be seen. In other race news, Mike decided to sign up for the Marshall Half Marathon. This basically necessitates that I tag along. But echos of the Parkersburg injury still linger in my head. I'll hold off on registering for now, but it is certainly an intriguing proposition.

Monday, August 19, 2013

Fall Race Prep

The Stats: 8/11 - 8/17
8/12: 3.12 mi; 23'04"; 7'23" avg. pace
8/14: 6.22 mi; 49'20"; 7'55" avg. pace

It was a quiet, but encouraging week in running. I only made it out on the roads on two days; however, I made the second one count by running 10k. That was the first 10k of the month and I managed to clock-in under 50 minutes. This continues to spell good news for the fall racing schedule. The first run of the week was a customary 5k around the neighborhood. I feel like I've done that route in excess of 300 times since moving to Charleston. Still, it feels good to run it in about 23 minutes. The 10k went bridge to bridge (35th street and South Side). Crossing the Kanawha at sunset is the highlight of that run. It was also good to see so many runners packing the boulevard on a cool evening in August. Those are pretty rare if memory serves correctly.
River hoping
Unfortunately, Ashley is well on pace to reaching 30 miles before me this month. I couldn't manage a run over the weekend, which hurt my odds. Her churning out 7 miles on Saturday really put me behind. So it appears she has won this round.
In race news, The Capital City Challenge is right around the corner. I have not paddled or peddled much in the past few weeks. I may have to step up the bike training in particular. The weather forecast looks promising, so I have no reason to sit on the couch. Let's get cracking!

Friday, August 9, 2013

Le Challenge

The Stats: 8/1 - 8/8
8/3: 3.12 mi; 24'57"; 8'00" avg. pace
8/5: 3.12 mi; 24'08"; 7'42" avg. pace
8/7: 2.22 mi; 16'39"; 7'29" avg. pace
8/8: 2.61 mi; 21'03"; 8'04" avg. pace

Hoping to breakout of a summer lull, I challenged Ashley to see who could run 30 miles in the least amount of days in August. As of today, August 9th, I trail by 4.1 miles (Ashley: 15.2 vs. Matt: 11.1). She is at the halfway mark, so I better get motivated. This training is also part of gearing up for another 10k race. Not too many races of that distance are available in our area. Huntington is holding one the week before the Capital City Challenge. That would be my last chance at a 10k prior to the Atlantic City race in mid-October. I have no ambitions for the Distance Run this year; for once, I can be one of the dudes cheering from the side of the road with a cold drink in hand. Maybe one day I will feel crazy enough to try the CDR again, but not in 2013.