
Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Running in 2014

This year has gotten off to a rocky start. First, we hit zero degree Fahrenheit temperatures in Charleston. Then, Freedom Industries decided to leak a bunch of chemicals into our water supply. It is little wonder that I have run only one day this year. But since they say my water is now clean, I should be hitting the showers with increased frequency over the coming weeks. This year starts with the challenge of training for a half marathon in Pittsburgh. That race is not until the first week of May, but training starts immediately. The big question is: How will my legs hold up under increased distances? Only time can tell. But I'm easing into longer distances with a training spreadsheet.
Time to quite moping and hit the pavement.

Here is a recap of my 2013 stats. May was my best month. It was sorry by historical standards though.

Month Miles Pace
Jan 5.9 7'38"
Feb 13.9 7'48"
Mar 27.4 8'05"
Apr 15.8 8'11"
May 35.1 7'56"
Jun 10.1 8'10"
Jul 28.4 7'29"
Aug 28.4 7'48"
Sep 26.2 8'06"
Oct 9.6 7'41"
Nov 5.1 7'34"
Dec 4.1 7'41"
2013 210.0