Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Parkersburg Half, Hope or Delusion?

I remarked a couple weeks ago that I signed up to run the Parkersburg Half Marathon on August 18, 2012. Back then, I probably figured there was enough time to run a few 10ks and maybe a longer 8-10 miler. Alas, sickness laid me on the couch for the entirety of last week. Not a single mile was logged. When training for the Charleston Distance Run in previous years I went to great efforts to prepare. I ran the Corridor G hill numerous times, slowed my pace, adjusted to the late summer heat. This race will enjoy no such preparation. My only hope is that rest has refreshed my legs and they will be able to endure the physical strain. It is likely that this hope is unjustified. I trotted out a comfortable 5 miler yesterday and felt well enough. Then, I remembered just how daunting it would be to trek an extra 8 miles, with uphill sections. Apparently the toughest hill at the Parkersburg Half is at mile 11. Why anyone would subject runners to such misery late in a race is beyond reason. This may very well turn into a dual event for me: a 10k run and a 10k walk. At least then I'll be able to enjoy lovely Parkersburg, WV on a mild summer morning.
Race week preparation always stumps me. It's difficult to know how much I should push for a little more training and what is merely opening me up to injury. For this race though more preparation seems little better than folly. I've already gotten this deep without doing the necessary work. I'll likely take the pain come Saturday and then rest up for the remainder of August.

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