Sunday, October 14, 2012

Fat Kid to Triathlete - Week 3 (Mike)

Weight:  199.8

Short Swim:  .65 mile - 30.41
Long Swim:   .88 mile - 42.40
                   1.53 mile - 1:12.21
Short Ride:   13.81 miles - 1:05.39 (Mt. Alpha (2))
Long Ride:   28.39 miles - 1:51.07
                    42.20 miles - 2:56.46
Short Run:     3.34 miles - 0:33.24
Long Run:     0.00 miles - 0:00.00
                    3.34 miles - 0:33.24

Swimming:  I can do I just need to figure out how to do it faster
Cycling:  I said last week that I don't sweat I'm not so sure.  I've done plenty of riding, but 24 miles in a TT is a little more continuous and harder riding than I normally go at it.  Friday's ride left me tired and sore.
Running:  Yeah, it sucks.  Despite my progress, I still struggle to find motivation to get in a good long run on Sunday and my mid week run has gotten cut each of the last two weeks in favor of keeping my short bike ride.  After a week of swimming and cycling, I'm tired and just have to push to get out there.

Week 4 is a week to tapper back, but Weeks 4 and 5 are going to be cut to work was bound to happen.

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