
Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Winter Holidays - A Fat Kid's Worst Friend (Mike)

You remember the 10 pounds I lost in October and the record setting cycling climbs and race results that accompanied said weight loss...well, the weight is back but its stay is expected to be short lived.

January has just been frustrating.  I set out with the initial goal of surpassing my mileage totals recorded in any previous January in each event category.

Swimming (A-)
My swimming workouts have been totally irratic.  I go in with an idea of what I'd like to do but end up altering my goals while in the water based on how I feel after my first 100 yards. try thinking and reevaluating plans while feeling like you're being water boarded.  Despite my frustration, this January recorded my longest ever swim of a mile!  I also set personal bests in my quarter mile time as well as my 100 yard and 50 yard sprint times.

January 2012 - 0.26 miles
January 2013 - 3.27 miles

Cycling (C)
I got a bunch of cold weather gear this year with the intent of riding during winter weather...that didn't happen.  But, some freakishly warm weather did get me out on 1 January ride and I did log some miles on my indoor trainer.

January 2012 - 44.97 miles
January 2013 - 49.60 miles

Running (F)
Zero motivation when it came to running this month.  I ventured out a few times and only once even managed to complete the short course I had planned.

January 2011 - 19.00 miles
January 2013 -   4.42 miles

Flexibility (F)
I haven't been stretching hardly at all and haven't made it back to Yoga this year.  My sleep schedule has been all over the place and my back has been killing me this month...even more reason I should be stretching.  But, I'm not.  Why do I have a mental block on stretching and taking care of my back?  I have used my inversion table some which seems to help.

At least surpassing my February 2012 totals should be a very easy challenge as I hit a major funk this time last year and pretty much did nothing the entire month.  Hopefully, I'll shed the Holiday weight and get back on pace running and biking without sacrificing my swimming efforts.

I hope everyone has gotten off to a good start this year.

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