
Tuesday, April 30, 2013

I Run Slow and Steady, But...

The Stats 4/21/13 - 4/27/13
4/22: 1.52 mi; 11'00"; 7'13" avg. pace
4/23: 2.92 mi; 28'06"; 9'37" avg. pace
4/26: 3.13 mi; 24'26"; 7'48" avg. pace

Two weeks 'till Komen and I'm cruising into race day. No big goals this time around. I've been telling people any time under 24 minutes will leave me pleased on what is hopefully a beautiful May morning near the capitol. I started off this week with a mile and a half jog. I was attending a speaker series later that evening and cut the run short. Also, my right leg felt a bit tender and I was reticent to push it when it is so close to healing properly. Tuesday, I met up with a friend and did the Kanawha City loop. We pulled back on the pace a little as we're both recovering from aches and pains. My last chance for a workout came on Friday. I patrolled KC again and even met some out-of-towners from Columbus. They must have been in town for the UC half marathon last Sunday. We parted after I gave them (accurate?) directions to the South Side Bridge so they could get downtown. That run came in a little higher than I wanted, but I still feel in line for a sub 24 minute 5k in the Komen race. Breast cancer be damned! Next week we race.

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