
Sunday, April 14, 2013

The March of the Laggards

The Stats: March, 2013
3/4/13: 3.00 mi; 27'29"; 8'58" avg. pace
3/14/13: 2.83 mi; 21'32"; 7'36" avg. pace
3/27/13: 2.35 mi; 18'37"; 7'54" avg. pace
3/29/13: 1.36 mi; 10'05"; 7'24" avg. pace

I'm setting record lows for every month this year. I have some reasonable excuses for March. For one, the weather was bleak and awful. For another, I continue to think it prudent to rest my leg. If I can ensure a healthy body come 10k running season, it will be well worth it. I wasn't able to string together a good running week in March. My last attempt to in the final week of the month totaled a mere 3.7 miles. In that last run on the 29th I fully intended to run five kilometers. I was jogging along merrily on Kanawha Blvd. when two terrorist dogs off their leashes started chasing me. I tried to outpace them and sprinted fast enough to stay out of biting contention for a good 100 yards. Then, I realized they were gaining and I abruptly stopped and threw up my hands in self defense. Luckily, they lost interest and returned to their stupid owner (put a freaking leash on your dogs, people!). That's my rant.
Right now, my attitude toward running can best be summarized by the words of the poet: "I don't wanna talk about it, I wanna be about it." And so I'm off to make April a more respectable running month. Maybe the Boston Marathon will provide some much needed inspiration

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