
Monday, May 13, 2013

Post Komen Pre D.C.

The Stats 5/5/13 - 5/11/13
5/8: 2.50 mi; 19'03"; 7'36" avg. pace

The week after Komen turned out to be pretty tame. A combination of extra circulars (besides running) and bad weather put a damper on running activity. Tuesday featured a spirited game of Y league volleyball, so I get some workout credits from that. The weather held off enough Wednesday to warrant a run, but I only managed 2.5 miles. I might have kicked up the pace too much at the outset and didn't feel like pushing it home for the full 5k. The first mile was a 7'23" split, which is more or less near my average pace in good shape. On the second mile, my split came down to 7'39". That's still a decent pace. All in all I feel good about the upcoming Capitol Hill Classic in Washington D.C. The Harmon clan heads there next weekend to mark the District off our list of state/territory 10ks. The training program for the week ahead should feature 2-3 runs. I should probably throw in a 5 miler as well. I haven't run a 10k all year now that I think about it. Uh oh, this could be more difficult than I thought.

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