Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Atlantic City 10k Preview

The Stats: 10/1 - 10/8
10/2: 3.12 mi; 23'47"; 7'37" avg. pace
10/7: 2.62 mi; 19'35"; 7'27" avg. pace

I have only hit the pavement twice so far in October. That's not exactly the type of ramp up I usually have prior to a 10k race. Keeping me from getting out the door has been a mixture of recovering from the Capital City Challenge, laziness, and volleyball. I tweaked something near my right shin in the last volleyball game of the season; that scared me enough to only run once last week (10/2). I ran well enough and proved to myself it was not a serious injury. More concerning is that I have been getting winded by running five kilometers. My endurance is not where it should be for a 10k. But it will have to make due because the Atlantic City 10k is this weekend.
The race itself is a straight stretch along the Atlantic City Boardwalk. It starts at the intersection of the Boardwalk and Michigan Ave. which is in front of Bally's Casino (no gambling before a race).
I hope the weather looks better on Saturday.
After a straight five kilometers on the hard wood, we will do our best suicide drill stop (or turn around some cones) and head back from whence we came. The turnaround is at South Avolyn Ave. I cannot get a decent picture of the Boardwalk at that intersection from Google Maps. But I imagine it looks quite similar to the picture above except with different buildings on the shore and the Atlantic Ocean on the opposite side. I'm slightly worried this may be our least scenic 10k to date. But we will mark New Jersey off this list. Outside of the racing, it looks like shopping and dining is what we will be up to in Atlantic City. Mike has us contemplating a stop in Philadelphia on the way back in order to get more interesting travel in this trip. I'm in support of that. But let's knock out this run first!

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