
Thursday, April 24, 2014

Uphill April

The Stats: 3/24 - 4/19
4/17: 3.11 mi; 24'10"; 7'45" avg. pace
4/19: 6.01 mi; 49'27"; 8'14" avg. pace

This month started slow in terms of running. I optimistically packed some running shorts and socks for my trip to Peru, hoping to log a run in another country. The high altitude coupled with stomach issues made that plan all but impossible. What a missed opportunity! Upon returning state side, I looked to ramp back up the half-marathon training in anticipation of Pittsburgh.
I ran 5k last Thursday to test out the legs. Something seemed a little different. My legs felt really heavy for what is usually a short sprint around town. The beautiful weather made this run more tolerable and gave me a good pace. From there I looked forward to a weekend run.
With the Pittsburgh half marathon three weeks away, I knew I couldn't run 10 or more miles. That would ultimately lead to tired legs and risk injury. So I decided to try jogging an eight miler. I felt uneasy from the start on this run. My head was not prepared for being out on the road a long time. After a 7'41" second mile it must have really hit because I dropped to an 8'20" third mile. My stride was out of whack and I couldn't seem to adjust it to produce the least amount of issues. On Kanawha Boulevard I was fairly sure I would not make it the full eight miles. I stopped at the office and grabbed a water. Regrouping, I thought about making the jog back down MacCorkle Avenue. But I walked it out instead.
Later that day, I started getting knee pain. This time it was the left knee. Then, lower leg and foot pain developed. It was the same pain that sidelined me after the Parkersburg half-marathon in 2012 only in the opposite leg. I'm worried those are the early warning signs preceding a stress fracture. Since that run I have been resting, icing, and stretching. The Pittsburgh half is a big question mark at this point. I will continue to anticipate I am going through with it. I will have to get in at least one or two more training runs. If I can't do that pain free, I'll have a nice trip up north without breaking a sweat. But there's no glory in that. So here is wishing that rest and stretching can combine to get me race ready. I'd say there's a 40% chance I run right now. We'll see how that changes as next week progresses.

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