
Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Charleston Distance Run Relay - 2014 Review

Team "Triple Threat" stats
15 mi; gun time - 2:32:07; avg. pace - 10:08 per mile; place - 7/11 co-ed relay teams

It was a bright, sunny day for the 2014 Charleston Distance Run. Some might so it was too hot. Others might even say, it was really freaking muggy and uncomfortable. Nonetheless, Trip, Ashley, and myself charged onward and completed our first ever three-person relay of the famed Charleston race.
We all got to the race start about ten minutes in advance of the gun.  Trip, our honorary PTR member, settled in behind the start line and got ready for the first leg. Ashley and I trekked back past the Capitol, looking for a shuttle to take us to the South Side Bridge for our relay interchange. Apparently, the CDR provides no such service. So after a ritual port-a-john stop from yours truly, we walked alongside the race participants towards the bridge. There were many 15-mile participants getting the jitters out and finding their long-term pace. All I could think was how happy I was to not be racing the entire 15 miles that morning. The walk to the South Side Bridge served as a decent warm-up for Ashley and I. After another port-a-john stop for me, we ascended the stairs to the South Side Bridge, posed for a photo-op, and waited for the triumphant appearance of Trip.

Ten or fifteen minutes later, Trip made it up the bridge. I could tell from the sweat he had accumulated that I was in for a hard five miles of hill running. But at least he didn't look like this guy:

I offered my hand and he gave a sturdy slap to hand off the reigns. My opening pace was a little quicker than normal, but still cautious. I passed a decent amount of runners, who were probably doing the full 15 miles, on the way to "Capitol Punishment Hill". Once at the base of the hill, I tried to relax and remind myself of all the hill training I had done, both running and on the bike. My mantra was "chop up your steps, rely on your thighs". Generally, when you start exerting yourself too much it is a good idea to take shorter, more frequent strides. And I knew from cycling that I had mainly increased the strength of my thighs, at least more so than my calves. That seemed to get me to the top of 119 with energy left to burn. I enjoyed the random signs from onlookers stating "If it was easy, I would being doing it" and "I'm just a stranger, but you seem to be doing a good job".
I recalled from previous years that after the left turn onto Oakwood Road the route still features a significant amount of hills. The hill past GW High School reduced a lot of runners to a walk. I think that happened to me in the 2011 edition of the race. But knowing I could stop back down at the South Side Bridge gave me the confidence to run through that incline.
Oakwood Road Hill
After Oakwood Road, Bridge Road featured another hill that induced some people to walk. I kept running with my mantra. Then, the course turned onto Loudon Heights. I let the legs fly on the downhill, only checking that my pace could be sustained without injury. Most CDR veterans know to prevent excessive pounding of their joints on the downhill section. While I subscribe to this line of thinking, as a relay runner, I could throw caution a little to the wind in coming down towards the bridge. Loudon Heights features a couple more uphill sections, right when you think you're done with any incline. I was able to fight through the heat and hills to maintain a running pace. Giddy as a little schoolboy, I plodded down the last section of Loudon Heights with the stunning view of Charleston on the right hand side.
As I approached the South Side Bridge I remembered that Ashley had planned a special hand-off the night before. I laughed to myself and pushed toward the center of the bridge. Once there, Ashley leaned in with her fist and I handed off with a pound that we then "blew up", like ya do.
Second hand off of the race
Trip captured the hand-off at just the right moment. That set Ashley off on the last leg of the race. She had the longest and hottest section of the race, at seven miles and temperature reaching from 75 to 80 degrees Fahrenheit. I'll leave it to her to give a more detailed breakdown of her end of the race.
Trip and I walked to Laidley Field, via Virginia Street and caught each other up on how our respective runs played out. We found a spot to watch the finishing lap by Ashley and got ready to cheer. Ashley gave us a nice wave and ran out the final 400 meters of the race.
At the finish, it was all smiles. The heat and humidity had dented our bodies, but not our spirits (Awww). We caught up with friends and fellow sufferers many of whom are CDR legends. It is their strength and determination we wish to emulate in the coming years. Bravo, all you fifteen mile troopers. We salute you!

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