Friday, August 28, 2015

CCC 2015 Training

The Stats
8/01: 6.0 mi; 50'27"; 8'23" avg. pace
8/12: 3.1 mi; 24'05"; 7'44" avg. pace
8/15: 3.1 mi; 24'48"; 7'54" avg. pace
8/20: 3.1 mi; 24'51"; 7'58" avg. pace
                      8/25: 2.0 mi; 16'02"; 8'00" avg. pace
                      8/05: 12.7 miles; 13.9 mi/hr avg. pace; Mount Alpha
                      8/18: 13.9 miles; 13.7 mi/hr avg. pace; Mount Alpha

With this year's Capital City Challenge less than a month away I have taken to cycling and running. At a paltry 18 miles, August has featured my highest running activity of any month in 2015. That is a sad indictment of my fall off in running activity. But cycling picked up a lot of that slack over the past two months; in other words, I've not been idle. And thankfully, my running pace has not significantly deteriorated. I can still hack it at sub-8-minute miles. All of that gives encouraging thoughts to how this year's Challenge might proceed.
My times up Mount Alpha on the bike are getting faster. As the weather cools, I expect that to continue. However, the upcoming race features solely flat land, so maybe I should do a few Kanawha City time trials to prep for that 16 miles stretch.
On the rowing side it has been difficult to exercise the necessary muscles. I have tried to muddle along doing push-ups in my spare time, but I had hoped for a closer facsimile. More disappointing is that I strained a back muscle during basic activity a couple days ago. Until that strain heals up I can do little in the way of strength building or even cardio activity.
Given all the steps forward and backward in August, it is tough to say if my times will improve this year. They probably will not. I fully expect to cross the line right at 2 hours and 30 minutes. But I'm hoping to shave 3 to 5 minutes off of that effort. Time to get back to training.

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