Monday, September 12, 2016

CCC Training - Part 5

The Stats
9/09: 4.41 mi; 41'51"; 9'29" avg. pace
9/06: 11.5 mi; 0:46:55; 14.8 mi/hr
9/08: 12.3 mi; 0:53:24; 13.9 mi/hr

This was the last week of full training before the week of the Challenge. I managed a two-a-day on Sept. 6th with a ride around Kanawha City with Mike in the afternoon. That was followed up with another bike ride on Thursday morning. I decided to ride Lower Donally, which is a soft incline (3%) in a neighborhood in KC. Everything was going well on the climb, then came the descent. A yellow flash sprang out of one homeowner's yard and moved after my back wheel. I heard the owner yell after his dog to come back and started to pedal hard. Unfortunately, I was in a high gear and my pedaling did not outpace the dog at first. A couple construction workers whistled at the dog to try to distract it to no effect. I got into a lower gear and shot down the hill to the bottom. Once I stopped shaking and regained composure, I decided to try to climb Quarry Creek Road and then end the ride. I paced myself very slowly on Quarry Creek. The possibility of reaching the top was tempting, but I started to breathe very heavily and decided it was not worth the effort/soreness. I pulled into a driveway on the right, about a tenth of a mile from the top.
Training could have hit a speed bump as Ashley and I hopped on a plane to Atlanta. But that Friday morning we took the opportunity to visit Stone Mountain and run the five mile route around it. A half mile walk warmed up our legs. We kept the same pace for the first three miles on the rolling course. Then, Ashley walked a little and I went ahead to finish the fourth mile. This was the first time in months I had run at least four miles and I did not do it at the desired 8 minute per mile pace. But, I have hopes that can be accomplished in the race this Saturday.
This week will largely be a "rest" or "prep" week. I plan to run some light miles and get the bike a tune-up. Fresh legs are more important than training hard the week of an event.

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