
Thursday, September 17, 2015

CCC 2015 Preview

The Stats
8/30: 2.0 mi; 17'22"; 8'20" avg. pace
9/01: 3.1 mi; 25'14"; 8'07" avg. pace
9/02: 3.1 mi; 24'58"; 8'01" avg. pace
9/07: 3.1 mi; 25'14"; 8'06" avg. pace
                     9/04: 12.6 mi; 17.1 mi/hr avg. pace; KC Time Trial Course
                     9/05: 12.4 mi; 14.4 mi/hr avg. pace; Mount Alpha

The 2015 Capital City Challenge lurks on the horizon. This Saturday, September 19th at 9:00 am I will be toeing the line at Magic Island to start two and a half hours of continuous movement. My training was going really well at the end of August and beginning of September. I had cranked up the running activity by doing morning runs on Sept. 1st and 2nd. Mix in some volleyball, cycling, and push-ups and you've got a stew going! But then the injury bug bit. After my run on Sept. 7th I started getting bad pain in both knees. The pain intensified throughout the week and left me hobbling around by the next weekend. I stopped all non-essential activity and began a steady course of anti-inflammatory drugs. Icing both knees seemed to help, so I've been doing that every night. My only activity on race week was to play volleyball on Tuesday night. I braced up my left knee and it seemed to help reduce any pain.
My game plan is to continue resting and icing for the last two days before the race. Then, on race morning I'll use the brace on my left knee, which hurts more, and take it off once I get to the bike portion (it's too restrictive on the bike). I'm not so dedicated that I will keep going if I feel bad pain. I don't want to lose an active season of my life out of stubbornness. But I think I can power through and match my usual time of 2 hours and 30 minutes.
As for the weather, we are sitting pretty. Temperatures will be in the mid-60s at the race start and will gradually rise to the mid-70s by noon. There is practically no chance of rain and the humidity level will drop throughout the race. Kids and adults alike will be happy outside all morning.
That's all for now folks. Here's hoping to be a smiling face on Kanawha Boulevard at noon on Saturday.  

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