Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Shoe Review - Saucony Guide 10s

Trial Run
2.0 mi; 16'16"; 8'05" avg. pace

I paid a visit to Robert's Running in Charleston last weekend to buy some new running kicks. As is my custom, I went in expecting to buy one brand of shoe and ended up getting something different. Although to be fair to myself, I have alternated between buying Saucony and Brooks for the last four years. I retired the Brooks Adrenaline 14 and tried on the Brooks Adrenaline 17 first. The were comfortable and I thought about buying them and walking out of the store. But I thought I should try on the comparable Saucony model. I bought the Saucony Guide 6s back in early 2013. By comparison the Guide 10s had a softer, more flexible upper mesh and a new cushioning system. It simply was less noticeable on my foot than the Adrenaline 17s. Hence, I walked out of the store with them.

Today I took these shoes on a first run. It was a short 2 miler around the block. The heal-toe-offset of 8 mm was noticeable, as the cushioning on my old shoes was completely worn out. It felt like the shoes were encouraging me to keep a quick pace as I sprung forward. And the impact with the ground was much easier given new cushioning. I had a good average pace despite not having run in over a month. The strong heel gives good support when striking the ground. Overall, I am happy with the purchase, although it is too early to teel how long the shoes will last and how they age with the miles. Still, it is another strong showing by Saucony. 8/10.

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