Monday, March 4, 2013

Is It Spring Yet? Part Deux

The Stats: February, 2013
2/9/13: 3.10 mi; 24'19"; 7'48" avg. pace
2/14/13: 2.00 mi; 15'47", 7'49" avg. pace

Wow. And you thought January was a bad month. At least on the first run of this month I was able to hit my normal 5k distance in a respectable time. The second run featured side stitches and knee pain. This has been the laziest winter of my life. And it has added injury to boredom. I have some sort of weird depression on my knee cap and a pain that is more pronounced when I sit for long periods. WebMD is of no help, and I don't want to go back to the doctor. But wishing away the pain has yet to work, so I may have to make an appointment. If I don't have a good spring, full of running and cycling I may just give up and balloon to Kevin Smith-esque proportions. The home scale has me at about 170 lbs. now. I'm surprised I have not gained more weight. March in WV better warm up quickly and quit this snow garbage. Where is global warming when you need it?