Tuesday, August 30, 2016

CCC Training - Part 3

The Stats
8/23: 3.11 mi; 25'24"; 8'09" avg. pace
8/25: 2.13 mi; 18'57"; 8'51" avg. pace
8/22: 13.4 mi; 0:53:07; 15.2 mi/hr
                     8/28: 13.0 mi; 0:46:20; 16.9 mi/hr

Four out of seven days is not bad for training. The running stamina is going from poor to decent. I ran with a good pace on Tuesday of this week, but it left me quite sore. That soreness held through to Thursday morning when I managed to plod around the block for two slower miles. Getting out of bed and out the door was the real victory for that day. I am hoping the eight-minute per mile pace sticks and I can replicate that over 4.2 miles in the race. The joints need to hold up in training to prevent any setbacks, fingers crossed.
I cycled twice along the flat Kanawha City bike course, making two laps of the Kanawha Ave. section in both those rides. I need to do three full, flat laps to get a good indication of what pace I can maintain over 16.8 miles on the race. The second ride of last week was right on target at 16.9 mph. If I can do that during the Challenge, the bike split will be right at one hour. More flat training and some light hills will help in the coming weeks.
Combining my goal pace for the run and the bike leaves me with 33:36 for the run and 1:00:00 for the bike, hence 1:33:36 between the two events. The kayak section in between those two is the real unknown. It generally takes at least an hour. With little to no upper body exercise, I do not expect an improvement this year.

Monday, August 22, 2016

CCC Training - Part 2

The Stats
8/16: 2.00 mi; 16'01"; 7'59" avg. pace
8/15: 16.1 mi; 0:51:46; 18.7 mi/hr; 190 Avg. Watts (Trainer)
8/17: 19.0 mi; 0:59:57; 19.1 mi/hr; 214 Avg. Watts (Trainer)
                     8/19: 16.5 mi; 1:06:02; 15.0 mi/hr (Alpha to Whispering Woods PR)

I had a good week of training. The Challenge is less than a month away and I realized the need to start incorporating some running with the cycling focused workouts. I got up early Tuesday morning and jogged two miles around the neighborhood at a decent, 8 minute per mile pace. That is the pace I hope to run at the Challenge, so I need to extend the distance over the next few weeks to build up the running muscle endurance. It will also be cool in the morning as August, and the extra hot portion of summer, nears its end.
Cycling remained my most solid activity last week. Rain and heat forced me inside, but the trainer was there to allow me to sweat out a few pounds. I tried to do a group ride on Zwift on 8/17, but the lead group picked the pace up and left me in the dust. Zwift riders seem to use Watts per kilogram to measure pace (the force you put on the pedals divided by your weight). I can get to 2.5 W/kg and hold it reasonably well, but that lead group rode well above 3 W/kg for most of the ride.
The highlight of training this week was a personal record on the Strava certified category 3 climb of Mount Alpha to Whispering Woods on Friday. I went out in the morning and did a lap of Kanawha City before heading to the hills. The trainer has noticeably helped me develop the leg muscles, which helped me stand up on the pedals and push harder for a good section of the climb. It still was not my best time on the shorter portion of the climb, the base of Mount Alpha to Beta Lane. But my effort from the start of Chappell Road to Whispering Woods was consistent enough to garner a PR.
Next week needs to feature more runs and longer ones at that. A good five mile run with 8 minute per mile pacing would set my mind at ease. The cycling needs to keep going as planned. The rowing...well, I just need to paddle around at all.

Monday, August 15, 2016

CCC Training - Part 1

The Stats
8/02: 25.4 mi; 1:47:16; 14.3 mi/hr
8/05: 19.7 mi; 1:00:44; 19.7 mi/hr; 187 Avg. Watts (Trainer Ride)
8/09: 14.1 mi; 1:05:32; 12.9 mi/hr
8/12: 16.9 mi; 1:10:35; 14.4 mi/hr
                      8/14: 12.1 mi; 1:01:24; 11.8 mi/hr; 182 Avg. Watts (Trainer)

It is a month until the 2016 Capital City Challenge. This will be my first race/event this year. I have continued jumping on the bike to build on the training completed in July. The indoor trainer has come in handy on days when the heat index is near or over 100 degrees Fahrenheit. I am hoping that some hill trainer will build muscle to help maintain a quicker pace on the flat course on the boulevard. August 9th was a Job Corps effort that I could not quite finish due to the oppressive heat. However, I came back to Mount Alpha on August 12th and managed to finish the climb all the way to Whispering Woods Drive.
This cycling has been all well and good, but run training has been ignored. There are only so many training hours in the day, and cycling takes over twice the amount of time as running per workout. Still, I will manage to lace up the Brooks running sneakers if/when the temperatures decline. This may even call for some early morning runs.
As for the third event in the mini-triathlon, it will be difficult to train seriously for the rowing segment. Weather permitting, I could lug the kayak into the Kanawha River a few times over the next three weekends.

Thursday, August 4, 2016

Stamping on the Pedals - July

The Stats
7/02: 13.8 mi; 1:11:42; 11.6 mi/hr
7/06:   9.0 mi; 0:40:53; 13.2 mi/hr
7/09: 16.0 mi; 1:11:08; 13.5 mi/hr (Alpha Descent PR)
7/16: 13.6 mi; 1:02:59; 13.0 mi/hr (Job Corps Descent PR; 2nd fastest Job Corps Climb)
7/22: 11.5 mi; 0:40:05; 17.3 mi/hr
                     7/31: 19.2 mi; 1:14:55; 15.4 mi/hr (2nd fastest Lower Donnally Climb)
                     Trainer Rides: 5 rides; 69.8 virtual miles; 176 Watts avg. power; 2,706 kJ total work

Tour de France month brought out the cycling itch once again. I only managed one run for three miles in all of July; the rest of my efforts were on the saddle. I mixed in a fair bit of climbing on Job Corps Hill and Mount Alpha along with the flat bike course in Kanawha City. I also discovered a software program called Zwift that allows people to connect their indoor bike trainers to the computer, then ride and race in real time with others on a virtual course. They have three virtual courses right now: Watopia (a fictional island), Richmond World's Course, and London (which was recently at the end of July). I discovered how sweaty and tough indoor spinning can be, especially when you are trying to keep up on a group ride with people intent on outpacing you.
August should feature a more balanced running and cycling program. There are about 40 days left until this year's Capital City Challenge, so I need to prepare for that. I might even need to row some before the race. I have not done a 10k or any athletic event all summer. It is time to get serious and log those miles. Perhaps some new running shoes are needed as well. Hmmmm...