Tuesday, August 30, 2016

CCC Training - Part 3

The Stats
8/23: 3.11 mi; 25'24"; 8'09" avg. pace
8/25: 2.13 mi; 18'57"; 8'51" avg. pace
8/22: 13.4 mi; 0:53:07; 15.2 mi/hr
                     8/28: 13.0 mi; 0:46:20; 16.9 mi/hr

Four out of seven days is not bad for training. The running stamina is going from poor to decent. I ran with a good pace on Tuesday of this week, but it left me quite sore. That soreness held through to Thursday morning when I managed to plod around the block for two slower miles. Getting out of bed and out the door was the real victory for that day. I am hoping the eight-minute per mile pace sticks and I can replicate that over 4.2 miles in the race. The joints need to hold up in training to prevent any setbacks, fingers crossed.
I cycled twice along the flat Kanawha City bike course, making two laps of the Kanawha Ave. section in both those rides. I need to do three full, flat laps to get a good indication of what pace I can maintain over 16.8 miles on the race. The second ride of last week was right on target at 16.9 mph. If I can do that during the Challenge, the bike split will be right at one hour. More flat training and some light hills will help in the coming weeks.
Combining my goal pace for the run and the bike leaves me with 33:36 for the run and 1:00:00 for the bike, hence 1:33:36 between the two events. The kayak section in between those two is the real unknown. It generally takes at least an hour. With little to no upper body exercise, I do not expect an improvement this year.

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