Thursday, August 4, 2016

Stamping on the Pedals - July

The Stats
7/02: 13.8 mi; 1:11:42; 11.6 mi/hr
7/06:   9.0 mi; 0:40:53; 13.2 mi/hr
7/09: 16.0 mi; 1:11:08; 13.5 mi/hr (Alpha Descent PR)
7/16: 13.6 mi; 1:02:59; 13.0 mi/hr (Job Corps Descent PR; 2nd fastest Job Corps Climb)
7/22: 11.5 mi; 0:40:05; 17.3 mi/hr
                     7/31: 19.2 mi; 1:14:55; 15.4 mi/hr (2nd fastest Lower Donnally Climb)
                     Trainer Rides: 5 rides; 69.8 virtual miles; 176 Watts avg. power; 2,706 kJ total work

Tour de France month brought out the cycling itch once again. I only managed one run for three miles in all of July; the rest of my efforts were on the saddle. I mixed in a fair bit of climbing on Job Corps Hill and Mount Alpha along with the flat bike course in Kanawha City. I also discovered a software program called Zwift that allows people to connect their indoor bike trainers to the computer, then ride and race in real time with others on a virtual course. They have three virtual courses right now: Watopia (a fictional island), Richmond World's Course, and London (which was recently at the end of July). I discovered how sweaty and tough indoor spinning can be, especially when you are trying to keep up on a group ride with people intent on outpacing you.
August should feature a more balanced running and cycling program. There are about 40 days left until this year's Capital City Challenge, so I need to prepare for that. I might even need to row some before the race. I have not done a 10k or any athletic event all summer. It is time to get serious and log those miles. Perhaps some new running shoes are needed as well. Hmmmm...

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