Sunday, October 7, 2012

Fat Kid to Triathlete - Week 2 (Mike)

Weight: 200.0

Short Swim:  .57 mile - 27.01
Long Swim:   .85 mile - 40.45
                   1.42 mile - 1:07.46
Short Ride:    9.48 miles - 0:42.34 (Job Corps)
Long Ride:   23.88 miles - 1:34.55
                    33.36 miles - 2:17.29
Short Run:     2.21 miles - 0:21.12
Long Run:     0.00 miles - 0:00.00
                    2.21 miles - 0:21.12

Yes, I've lost 8lbs since prior to the Capital City Challenge Tri, but do I really look that much different?  People keep telling me how good I look, but its not like losing 8lbs cured me of leprosy or anything...  The trip to Pittsburgh last weekend for the Great Race 10k pushed everything back a day and left me with the decision to either skip my short run or long run.  I decided to start moving today and make my decision on the fly.  Colder weather and foot pain helped make it an easy decision.  I try to be better at something every day in life in general, but also in training....some days that just means resting and taking care of my feet.  I've gotten better every day - its been a great start.  And I've held up pretty well the first two weeks until dealing with a little foot pain this weekend.  So, I've spent plenty of time icing and wearing my splints so hopefully next week will be fine.  I don't sweat the cycling.  I've shown a lot of progress in swimming.  Running sucks.  Do work.

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