Thursday, January 31, 2013

Is It Spring Yet?

The Stats: January, 2013
1/7/13: 2.05 mi; 15'52"; 7'44" avg. pace
1/12/13: 2.00 mi; 15'09"; 7'33" avg. pace

The past three months have been the most depressing of my running life. Since 2007 I have not run so little as I did this winter. The ligament in my right leg has been slowly healing. But I have been getting nagging little injuries all over my body during the hiatus: a frozen shoulder, an aching knee, etc. Is my body really that old? At this time a year ago I was jogging through cold weather without a second thought. Now it's a miracle if I manage to slip on the Nike's after work.
The transition to minimalist running technique has been put on hold while I try to get back in shape. I want to remember what a pain free run feels like before trying to change my entire running mindset. I did try the zero drop Merrell shoes out on the second run in January. However, I was so afraid of blowing out my calf muscles that I ran on my entire foot and not specifically on the forefront.
February will likely see only a few runs, much like January. Skiing and midweek volleyball games have been filling this fitness hole, but it is a small substitute at best. Still, hope remains for 2013, and 10k races await. Here's looking forward to a sun filled spring season and a healthier body. Come on March.

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