Monday, June 3, 2013

Hills on the Horizon

The Stats 5/19/13 - 6/1/13
5/22: 2.83 mi; 27'12"; 9'35" avg. pace
5/24: 2.62 mi; 19'45"; 7'31" avg. pace
5/27: 5.54 mi; 44'20"; 8'00" avg. pace
6/1: 3.12 mi; 24'59"; 8'00" avg. pace

The last two weeks of running have been light, but enjoyable. I did two runs each week with other extra-circulars (volleyball, violin, mowing) taking up time during the evenings. The five and a half miler was a high point of the past two weeks. I patrolled the neighborhood and remembered how good it feels to stretch the legs farther than three miles. Despite not tearing up the roads, I'm happy concerning the healed right leg; there hasn't been any pain in it this spring. Hopefully, I can put those injured days in the rear view.
With the temperature on the rise I may try to fit in more morning runs. I know not to kid myself and say I'll switch to a morning routine over the summer. However, it's nice to beat the 90 degree afternoon burn. Looming large on the calendar right now is the Run for Your Life 5 Miler. This is particularly worrisome because I have not had the time/energy for hill training. The next two weeks need to allow for some of that. I've been threatening to trot up to Spring Hill Cemetery in preparation. Doing that or pacing Corridor G a couple times is the best I can do at this point. I would hate to have to walk up that hill on race day (I had to do that in 2009). Still, if push comes to shove I'll back down to prevent injury. Let's hope it doesn't come to that.
It's time to hit, run...the highland way!

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