Tuesday, September 10, 2013

2013 Capital City Challenge Preview

The Stats: 8/25 - 9/9
8/26: 3.11 mi; 23'07"; 7'25" avg. pace
8/30: 3.11 mi; 23'30"; 7'32" avg. pace
9/2: 2.51 mi; 18'34"; 7'23" avg. pace
9/9: 2.14 mi; 15'48"; 7'21" avg. pace

It is time again for the Capital City Challenge. After being hurt last year, I am excited to try to complete the event once more. Ideally, I can do it without feeling completely battered and bruised. The running training over the last two weeks has been light, as evidenced by the above stats. I did two 5k distances to end August. Both of those runs posted respectable times with paces around 7'30" per mile. If the temperatures cool down ten degrees from summer highs, I can probably keep that pace over four miles in the CCC. The heat on Labor Day and thereafter shortened my last two runs to under three miles. But every bit of training counts. I also hit up Kanawha State Forest for a solid climb last Saturday, Sept. 7th. The bike training has not been coming along and I fear how my legs will feel on the last leg of the Challenge when they are already struggling without completing two events before peddling. And the kayak preparation has amounted to little more than push ups in my spare time around the house.
But the Challenge should be great regardless of my performance. We expect to see about 200 people lined up around Magic Island come race morning. The forecast for Saturday is clear and sunny with a high of 71 degrees! That will make for perfect running weather, probably in the upper 50s to lower 60s, when the gun fires. The clear skies mean we won't have to worry about rain on the kayak portion. The river will be perfectly safe for rowing. And cyclists won't get overheated on the flats with that high of 71 degrees. I must double check my bike for tire pressure and quality; I can't chance being dusted by Mike on the last leg due to a 'mechanical' this year. We will finish and have trophy presentations and door prize giveaways on Magic Island. I hope to be able to sit through them and not pass out from exhaustion!

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