Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Thanksgiving Running

The Stats
11/04: 2.0 mi; 15'05"; 7'30" avg. pace
11/05: 3.1 mi; 23'52"; 7'41" avg. pace
11/11: 2.0 mi; 15'05"; 7'30" avg. pace

PTR is collectively signed up to run the Hot Diggity Dog 5k Run on Thanksgiving Day. The race takes place in St. Albans at 9:00 am, and the finishers medal features a little wiener dog puppy. That is all it takes to mobilize the PTR. That and a day full of food that will be sitting in my fridge for the next week.
I have done a few two and three mile training runs to see how fast I can potentially run the 5k. My two mile pace is right at 7'30", but my 5k times are at least 10 seconds per mile slower. If I ran each mile at 7'30" I could finish in under 23 minutes. Given a lack of intense training and likely cooler weather, I do not anticipate making that time. All the same, I will shoot for 23'30" or faster. That will not win me a stuffed dachshund doll. Oh well. I'll post a recap of our turkey trot experience.
The winter season approaches and physical activity is about to shift toward skiing. Running will take a back burner from December through February, but unseasonably warm days always offer opportunities to tear up some pavement.

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