Tuesday, September 20, 2016

CCC 2016 Review

The Stats: 48th place; 2:39:17; 25.4 mi; 6'16" per mile; 9.57 mph (all activities)
Run - 4.14 mi; 0:34:05; 8'14" avg. pace; 7.3 mph
Row - 4.14 mi; 1:06:29: 16'04" per mile; 3.7 mph (includes transitions)
Ride - 17.1 mi; 0:58:43; 3'26" per mile; 17.5 mph

Another Capital City Challenge has come and gone. I count this one a success on two accounts: 1) I completed the race without injury and with minimal soreness 2) I considerably improved my bike time. I was a full ten minutes faster on the cycling portion. The kayak continues to disappoint and is merely an equipment issue. If I ever decide I am sick of people leaving me in the dust (er, water) I might shell out the cash for a better kayak. I feel like it might be a waste to get a nicer kayak because I can't currently transport it with my sedan style car and I would not be able to use it consistently.
The key to feeling better this year was training. I cycled early and often during the summer, cycling indoors when the weather was too hot or rainy. Running activity could have started earlier, but ultimately it only takes a few weeks of running to get back into decent shape. I did not have my best running split time, however it was still respectable.
The race gave me a reason to get back into shape and now I hope to continue logging miles throughout the fall. Cycling and running posts to follow.

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