Tuesday, April 11, 2017

UC 5k Double Take

Matt - Place: 16; Net time: 22:08; Avg. pace: 7:08/mi

I was not expecting a chilly morning like we had two weeks prior to this race in the Foxtrot 5k, but that is what we got. After huddling inside UC's new Innovation Center for half an hour it felt downright frigid outside. It's no wonder that my first mile split in this race was the fastest at 7:02. I warmed up, and tired out, in that first mile. As I reached the 29th Street intersection on Frontage Road, a car pulled up to the crossing. It rolled to the intersection and then accelerated right next to two runners in front of me! We yelled and screamed at the woman driving who was either half-asleep, drunk, or incompetent (Oxford commas rule).
Shaking off that near catastrophic sight, I huffed and puffed down Virginia Ave to the turn-around point. Our friend Scott was about 50 meters behind me, and we encouraged each other to keep pushing it. Fatigue caught up with me and I slowed down on the back half of the race. My second and third mile splits were 7:17 and 7:30, respectively. This put me on the UC lawn and near the finish around the 22 minute mark. Both of my GPS apps counted the distance at around 3.05 miles, so this race was about one-tenth of a mile short of a full 5k. Nonetheless, it was my fastest pace in a long time and made for a happy start to the weekend. Below are a few pictures from the event.

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